I am a former camper and counselor. My husband and I met at Ramaquois. Now, we are lucky enough to see the camp through the eyes of our children. To say the camp is exceptional doesn’t even begin to cover it. Every year it gets better and better. The memories that our children are making will follow them forever. Ramaquois is a special part of our past, present and future!
We are excited to welcome you back to the Ramaquois community! No matter how long we’ve been away from Ramaquois, there are some traditions that never leave our memories. We will never forget:
The Water Ski Machine
Rama Games
Bucket Brigades
Rope Burning
The Final Banquet
The Octopus
Jello Wrestling
Whether you were a sleepaway camper, day camper, staff member, or a member of the Pride, Spirit, Champs, Finer Side or Shining Lights, we gladly welcome you home!
Ramaquois Yearbooks
Every so often, we will be adding another yearbook to this list. We have almost every yearbook from 1978 - 1997, but we are still looking for the few that we are missing. If you have a yearbook, please contact us!